Tips from PrepAway: Become Lean Six Sigma Professional with Black Belt Certification

22 Apr 2019 09:38 8719 Hits 1 Comments Approved by Plimbi

In this PrepAway guide, we will tell you about one of the most popular modern certifications in the field of project management. Lean Six Sigma is a set of principles which are implemented in problem-solving in company projects. Its main aim is to eliminate defects and reduce unnecessary steps. Whatever doesn’t meet the requirements of the client is termed as "Defects" in Six Sigma. Implementing Six Sigma results in the final product having less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. This is achieved by two main principles: DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, while DMADV stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify.

More details about DMADV can be found here:

PrepAwayhas prepared a comprehensive guide on Six Sigma Black Belt credential you can use to decide whether it suits you or not.


In this PrepAway guide, we will tell you about one of the most popular modern certifications in the field of project management. Lean Six Sigma is a set of principles which are implemented in problem-solving in company projects. Its main aim is to eliminate defects and reduce unnecessary steps. Whatever doesn’t meet the requirements of the client is termed as "Defects" in Six Sigma. Implementing Six Sigma results in the final product having less than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. This is achieved by two main principles: DMAIC and DMADV. DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, while DMADV stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design and Verify.

More details about DMADV can be found here:

PrepAwayhas prepared a comprehensive guide on Six Sigma Black Belt credential you can use to decide whether it suits you or not.

Who can be certified under Lean Six Sigma?

If you are keen on management and taking leadership of projects, problem-solving, increasing the efficiency of each step and eliminating the steps that have no significant use, then this certification is for you.

This certification is especially beneficial to:

  • Team leaders

  • Project managers

  • Quality assurance engineers

  • Software professionals

  • Management students

Criteria to be certified

To apply for Six Sigma Black Belt certification, one needs to complete two projects with signed affidavits. As a second option, the candidate can produce one project with a signed affidavit and prove that he/she has 3 years of work experience in at least one area of Six Sigma. Six Sigma Green Belt certification (previous-level credential) is not a necessity

Exam details

Black Belt certification from the Council for Six Sigma Certification is obtained through a four-hour long exam. The exam consists of multiple-choice as well as true and false questions. There are 150 questions in the exam. The test is taken closed-book at officially sanctioned centers. The test can be taken in class as well as online via the web-based testing system.

IASSC Certified Lean Six Sigma Black Belt exam can be taken at over 8000 official testing centers in 165 countries across the globe. As for the online tests, they can be accredited by official providers only.

The price for the application for this exam is $395 USD.

Detailed info about Six Sigma Black Belt exam can be found at

What will we learn under Six Sigma Black Belt Certification?

Six Sigma Black Belt Certified individual will be capable of applying the Six Sigma principles and acquire knowledge about the following areas:

  • Project management practices related to the selection of projects, resource management, financial management, change management, etc.

  • Data analytical tools

  • TRIZ – Theory of Inventive Problem Solving insights

  • FMEA – Failure Modes and Effects Analysis

  • Usage of PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) methodology

  • Leadership of projects

To obtain Six Sigma Black Belt Certification from the Six Sigma Council, the candidate must score a minimum of 580 points out of a total score of 750.

After the successful completion of the exam, the official Six Sigma Black Belt certification is mailed to the candidate. This enables the individual to include the certification on resumes and profiles.

How to prepare for the test?

Candidates can prepare for the test in the official training centers, where they will be trained by certified professionals. The official Six Sigma website also provides study guides and mock papers.

Also, preparation for the test may include online courses which are conducted through a variety of portals. The cost and duration of the online classes depend on the website. Note that preparation courses and training classes are highly recommended, but not necessary.

Online resources for exam preparation

First of all, we recommend you to visit PrepAway website where you will find reliable training materials for Six Sigma Black Belt certification. PrepAway offers the most recent practice questions in ETE format you can use to create a near-real exam environment. Practice questions from PrepAway contain accurate answers and explanations so you can safely use them for your preparation. Other online resources include:

  • Official website of The Council for Six Sigma Certification

  • ASQ Certified Six Sigma Black Belt question bank

  • Lean Six Sigma Black Belt from QAI Global Institute

Offline sources of preparation for the test

What can you do after being certified?

Once certified, the individual is eligible to not only to play a key role in projects but also can be a team leader in the project. Any individual who possesses Lean Six Sigma Black Belt is fully capable of interpreting, understanding, performing and applying Six Sigma methodologies at an advanced level.

As a team leader, one can drive the project towards success, understand team dynamics and assign roles for team members.

How can Six Sigma Black Belt certification help your career?

  • It is seen that with this certification, the candidate gains the qualification to lead a project. The certified specialists receive a much higher salary than the individuals who do not have Six Sigma certification. The average salary for certified professionals ranges from $90,000 to $170,000, depending on the post and experience.

  • Six Sigma Black Belt certified individuals are professionally capable of training Six Sigma Green and Yellow Belt applicants. Since Black Belt certification offers an in-depth analysis of the knowledge and principles of Six Sigma, the certified individuals are well versed with the knowledge and can become certified trainers.

  • The roles of certified employees become indispensable. They can manage outcome-driven projects, mentor teams on project management and eliminate the errors on different stages of the plan.

  • Their role is vital to the success of the projects. Not many people are qualified as Six Sigma Black Belt, which makes them stand out from the other specialists.

  • Versatility is one of the key features of Six Sigma certifications. It allows the candidate to apply his or her knowledge in many fields and learn to adapt to the changes to suit the needs of the different projects.


Regarding the plus points that Lean Six Sigma Black Belt certification offers, the investment in certification seems small. The candidate's professional life changes for the better after one gets the certificate. Afterward, certified candidates not only receive higher pays and better job opportunities but also the satisfaction of improving the outcome of the project.


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